Simple values which implement the Copy
trait are copied by value
let x = 5;
let y = x;
println!("{}", x); // x is still valid. The string is moved to s2 and s1 is invalidated
let s1 = String::from("Rust Notes");
let s2 = s1; // Shallow copy a.k.a move
println!("{}", s1); // Error: s1 is invalid
let s1 = String::from("Rust Notes");
let s2 = s1.clone(); // Deep copy
// Valid because s1 isn't moved
println!("{}", s1);
fn main() {
let x = 5;
takes_copy(x); // x is copied by value
let s = String::from("Rust Notes");
// s is moved into the function
// return value is moved into s1
let s1 = gives_ownership();
let s2 = String::from("Rust");
let s3 = takes_and_gives_back(s2);
fn takes_copy(some_integer: i32) {
println!("{}", some_integer);
fn takes_ownership(some_string: String) {
println!("{}", some_string);
} // some_string goes out of scope and drop is called. The backing memory is freed.
fn gives_ownership() -> String {
let some_string = String::from("Rust");
fn takes_and_gives_back(some_string:
String) -> String {